

Why Giving up My Dietitian’s License Was the Healthy Choice


by Russell Berger

Editor’s Note: We’re pleased to present this guest post by Cassie Bjork, RD, former LD, and founder of (formerly Cassie is a globally recognized industry leader in weight loss, a highly sought-after speaker, and the #1 international best-selling author of Why Am I Still Fat?: The Hidden Keys to Unlocking That Stubborn Weight Loss. After spending nearly a decade as a licensed dietitian, Cassie relinquished her dietitian license after a five-year battle with her state licensing board over what she could teach. This is the story of how governing bodies are influenced by the Big Food industry and why outdated diet approaches are sti...


Why all the injuries to Games athletes?

To put it most simply...Because it is The Games. The moment people can make the distinction between CrossFit Competition and CrossFit Training is the moment this question will be put to rest....These are professional athletes, competing on the grid, in a professional sport with the fittest athletes on earth. To the conversation of what % of the CF Games athletes have been injured during their quest for greatness is both absurd and ignorant to the nature of professional competition. What % of professional athletes in any sport suffer injuries? Football players get injured. Hockey players get injured. It is dangerous. It is violent. It is explosive. It is SPORTS. Even looking at less...


The CrossFit Open

The Open...Its over...So much much preparation...So much excitement! ...So now what!?! What just happened!? What did we just do!!! For the last 5 weeks over 300,000 athletes across the world have come together to compete and share the same experienced-a test of mental, physical, and emotional strength. There is nothing like it on earth. Every athlete had to endure the same physical challenges whether they are male, female, young, old, adaptive, big, small, in-between. We all came together to compete. Sure there are different divisions and age groups. There are teens and masters. Scaled and Rx. But the challenge is the same for everyone. A smaller athlete does not get to use...